ACTU | Australian Congress of Trade Unions |
ALP | Australian Labor Party |
AMA | Amalgamated Miners' Association |
ASE | Australian Society of Engineers |
ASFL | Australia-Soviet Friendship League |
ASP | Australian Socialist Party |
ASSLH | Australian Society for the Study of Labour History |
C.I. | Communist International |
CP | Communist Party |
CP of A | Communist Party of Australia |
FOSU | Friends of the Soviet Union |
IIW | International Industrial Workers |
IWW | Industrial Workers of the World |
IWW Clubs | Industrial Workers of the World Clubs |
LPG | Labor Propaganda Group |
LVA | Labor's Volunteer Army |
OBU Herald | One Big Union Herald |
SDF | Social Democratic Federation |
SDP | Social Democratic Party |
SFA | Socialist Federation of Australia |
SLP | Socialist Labour Party |
SP of A | Socialist Party of Australia |
SPGB | Socialist Party of Great Britain |
SQC | Social Questions Committee |
THC | Trades Hall Council |
T. & L.C. | Trades & Labour Council |
UWM | Unemployed Workers' Movement |
VRU | Victorian Railway's Union |
VSP | Victorian Socialist Party |
WIIU | Workers' International Industrial Union |
WIU of A | Workers' Industrial Union of Australia |
WOC | Women's Organising Committee |
The book Solidarity Forever! is Copyright © the estate of Bertha Walker 1972.
This website is Copyright © Alan Walker 2012.
Direct all enquiries to