Solidarity Forever


ACTU Australian Congress of Trade Unions
ALP Australian Labor Party
AMA Amalgamated Miners' Association
ASE Australian Society of Engineers
ASFL Australia-Soviet Friendship League
ASP Australian Socialist Party
ASSLH Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
C.I. Communist International
CP Communist Party
CP of A Communist Party of Australia
FOSU Friends of the Soviet Union
IIW International Industrial Workers
IWW Industrial Workers of the World
IWW Clubs Industrial Workers of the World Clubs
LPG Labor Propaganda Group
LVA Labor's Volunteer Army
OBU Herald One Big Union Herald
SDF Social Democratic Federation
SDP Social Democratic Party
SFA Socialist Federation of Australia
SLP Socialist Labour Party
SP of A Socialist Party of Australia
SPGB Socialist Party of Great Britain
SQC Social Questions Committee
THC Trades Hall Council
T. & L.C. Trades & Labour Council
UWM Unemployed Workers' Movement
VRU Victorian Railway's Union
VSP Victorian Socialist Party
WIIU Workers' International Industrial Union
WIU of A Workers' Industrial Union of Australia
WOC Women's Organising Committee

The book Solidarity Forever! is Copyright © the estate of Bertha Walker 1972.

This website is Copyright © Alan Walker 2012.

Direct all enquiries to