May Day rally, Melbourne 1906 - Tom Mann speaking
This site brings online the full text of Bertha Walker's 1972 book Solidarity Forever!
The book provides detailed accounts of many of the radical and socialist struggles in Australia in the early 20th century.
The linking theme is the involvement of the author's father, Percy Laidler (1884-1958), an orator and organiser who played a pivotal role in most of the left wing movements of his time.
Solidarity Forever! has been out of print for many years, but now it is made freely available on this website.
The site was created in 2012 to mark the centenary of Bertha Walker's birth, and the fortieth anniversary of the book's first publication. As well as presenting the full text of Solidarity Forever! in various digital formats, this site provides background information about the book and its author and other writings by and about Percy Laidler and his family.